Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Can We Know The Will Of God?

ed.2008.06.12.08(Concept Draft)

Living By Every Word That God Says

How can we come to know the will of God?

It is written that man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

We often find believers who go and study the promises of God. We yearn for the blessings of God. But, God spoke more than blessings.

According to Pslams 119, God reveals His will to us in more ways than just making promises to us. He speaks to us His commandments, His laws, His precepts, His statutes, His testimonies, and in many more ways. What are the differences between a law and a commandment? What is the difference between a satute and a testimony? What is a precept?

Can We Expect God To Only Speak To Us Directly?

Some may question whether or not we need to study Scripture to know the direction that God wants us to walk in. They believe that because Jesus promised to give us the Holy Spirit that they do not need to study Scripture because the Holy Spirit would personally lead and guide them into all truth.

It is absolutely true that we have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth. But, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would bring us into rememberance of all the things that Jesus taught. And, the Apostles wrote to us about the things that Jesus taught. Christians believe that the apostles made known to us the Gospel of Jesus through the Holy Spirit by writing to us. So, how can studying Scripture be considered unnecessary if the Holy Spirit made a way for us to have Scripture?

If we all had the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in all truth, and we could all discern the voice of the Holy Spirit, and we all could preach the words of God with integrity, then why are there divisions among us? How can one denomination preach a certain doctrine and another preach a completely contrary doctrine if the same Holy Spirit is fully revealing all truth to all of us?

But how do we come to the place where the Holy Spirit can lead and guide us into all truth?

God Has Already Revealed His Will

If we truly desire to know the will of God, then we should embrace what God has already revealed to us concerning His will in Scripture.

For example, at a Church service I recently attended, a pastor lead the congregation in prayer concerning China. China had gone through many earthquakes and millions of people were left homeless and hungry and are still currently in desparate need.

This pastor led the congregation to prayer to ask God for His direction and His will about what God would like the Church to do. The pastor's prayer certainly got me thinking.

Why would God reveal more of His will to us if the Church today does not cherish and obey what He has already revealed? What part of Jesus' commands to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, take care of orphans and widows, and preach the gospel to all nations does the Church need clarification on? The Church already knows what God wants us to do in China, so why are we asking God to tell us again?

To Meditate On His Word

It stands to reason then that we must search through Scripture as David did. If we are truly passionate, we would meditate on His word day and night. If we study Scripture in this way, with the passion of David, we would certainly understand and be able to discern the will of God for our lives in all cases.

If we hold true and faithful to the will of God that He has already revealed to us, how much more will God freely give wisdom to those who are faithful to what He has already given?

What Has God Already Revealed To Us?

So then, if it is true that God gives seed to the sower, and if it is true that God gives more to the faithful, then we must seek out and understand every revelation that God has given us to know His will.

We cannot simply stand on the promises of God, but we must live by every word that God speaks to us. So what are the promises, commands, statues, judgments, testimonies, laws and ways that God has revealed to the Church? How do we even define these things?

1 comment:

General said...

I wonder, had we "carried out" the Will of God already communicated to us in the Scriptures, in response to the crisis in China, how more responsive they would have been to the gospel proclamation during the Olympics. There was an awful lot of censorship from the Chinese, and sneaking about by mission groups.