Monday, June 16, 2008

Posting Your Own Discipleship Blog


How to post your own discipleship blog:
  1. Make a blog and dedicate it to studying how to follow in the ways of Jesus. It can be on blogger, (, wordpress, (, whatever. Just make sure it is dedicated to this purpose. As far as I know, there are no limits to how many blogs you can have!
  2. Create a list of other blogs that are doing the same thing and dedicated to the same purpose.
  3. Commit some time to help the people you linked on your site in their study to know the ways of Jesus.
  4. Leave comments, ask questions and answer questions to help refine each other's faith!
  5. Don't be afraid to hear objections! Remember, the trying of our faith is precious before God!
  6. If you have questions, create a post with your question, and apply a "Label" or "Category" to your post called "Questions".
  7. If you can figure out how to do it, in your blog "Settings", make sure you put an email address where it asks you if you want to be notified when people leave comments on your blog. That way, you can respond to people.
  8. When you do comment, select the box to be notified if someone replies to your comment.
  9. If you create a new post to answer someone's question, be sure to link it back to that other person's question if you can. Otherwise, post a comment with a link to that specific comment to let the person know that you tried to answer their question.
  10. Please, please make changes to your original posts whenever you learn something new. Sometimes we might be wrong, so we need to change. We all reserve the right to grow and come to a fuller knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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