Thursday, June 18, 2009

Intimate Acountability


// Written to Carolyn Curtis James in response to:


I had a thought about your use of "Ezer" from Scripture. I notice that you haven't really referenced to the context of this term stated in Genesis, or the MASSIVE qualifier that is left out of most modern translations, (or it is simply mistranslated as "suitable").

Gen 2:18
וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים לֹא־טֹוב הֱיֹות הָאָדָם לְבַדֹּו אֶעֱשֶׂהּ־לֹּו עֵזֶר כְּנֶגְדֹּו׃

There are two very big implications of the qualification following "Ezer": "Kenegdo". This literally translates as: "as before him".

For example, in 2 Sam 22:23, it states "All his laws are before me; I have not turned away ...

The same Hebrew word is used, (Neged).

In the context of Gen 2, God very clearly gave a commandment to Adam, and IMMEDIATELY afterward, said it was not right for Adam to be alone. Why?

Doesn't the context support the idea that woman was created to help keep Adam accountable to the command that God had given to him?

Isn't this exactly why Adam pointed to Eve and said, "The woman that you gave me, she ...".

If a woman is truly a "helper before" man, to keep them accountable, and to remind them of the command of God for his life, then why is this rarely taught in Christianity today?

Is it the case that women are too scared to be perceived as "naggy"? Is it because men truly do not want this kind of accountability? Is it because women do not really want their husbands to pursue the commandment of God?

If what I am arguing is true, and this IS the reason that God created woman, (as stated in this passage), then are women off the mark in their role in a marriage if they do not understand this simple concept that God determined that man NEEDED an intimate source of accountability?

I pray that God blesses you with His favor and peace as you trust in Him.

In Jesus,

1 comment:

Matt Sheeks said...

Preach it brotha! Help-mate all the way!