Monday, July 20, 2009

1 Cor. 9:9 - Provide for the Laborer


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Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for programs like the one mentioned, because God will use anything to speak to people. He will use even a donkey.

However, it bothers me to hear the children talk about which singer they have a crush on, to hear them talk about which one of the characters are better, and how they anticpate tomorrow's show, and all of this is without a single mention of Jesus.

I have no doubt that the organizers and volunteers of the program mean well. Many Christians think we should use whatever tool or method we can to present the gospel, though I'm not convinced it is wise or beneficial to anyone.

I heard many responded to the altar call this morning. People who have been praying for this event are thrilled, but I can't get excited because of a couple of nagging questions:

What were the children responding to?
Were the children responding because the Holy Spirit convicted them?
OR, was it the elaborate sets, bright lights, the charismatic personalities, clever skits and dance routines?

It's hard to tell.

NEVERTHELESS, I'm grateful that the children have had this opportunity. Because I am cowardly and insecure, I needed something like this to encourage me to show them the little I know about obeying Jesus.


3 I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human[a] wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

H.F. said...

I agree that God can use these functions to touch the lives of children but I also believe that the church should be reaching out and not charging an entry fee. This isn’t something that children should have to pay for. Jesus already paid for everything and despite the battle that comes with the giving of our lives, the price is free.

God expects us to love our neighbor the same way we love ourselves. But without the Holy Spirit residing within us, I don’t think that it’s possible. When I say this, I am considering a life of sustainable love and sacrifice for others. If we do not love like Jesus did, we must ask ourselves, do we really love Jesus? When we are not serving God and others, we are serving a different master.

It seems that the American culture has brought “self” to a whole new way of life. Why does having an inflated view of “self” dishonor God? Our body is to be a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. We cannot serve God and “self” at the same time. We must have faith that is expressed with action and in turn love those hurting or in need of Gods help in their lives. God came to heal the hurting and broken not the “righteous.”

So what can we do to live in the “fullness of God” in our own lives? We can give God every dark place in our soul and let him replace it with his love so we can finally have a life of true freedom. We must reach out each day to those in need and finally live the life Christ has called us to live.

Anonymous said...

Without charging for the event then it wouldn't happen. My daughter attended the event and we wanted to get her a t-shirt as well but we didn't have the $10 to spend on it. So yeah she was sad to see others kids that had them, but she still had a lot of fun!

Accusing the church of charging for the gospel??? How about if everyone actually gave their tithe then we would not be having this little chat!

peretz said...

Anonymous Said:
Without charging for the event then it wouldn't happen. My daughter attended the event and we wanted to get her a t-shirt as well but we didn't have the $10 to spend on it.

Sometimes, we push "through" an idea forcefully. When we come up against obstacles, and find a way to do what we want no matter what, we really need to figure out who it is we are wrestling against.

How many times do we cite obedience to God, in order to justify disobedience? "God told us to have this program, but He also told us to charge the poor to hear the gospel in order to make it happen ..."

We must use the Word of God as a light to our path, so we can discern the true voice of God. Intuition just doesn't cut it.

Anonymous Said:
Accusing the church of charging for the gospel??? How about if everyone actually gave their tithe then we would not be having this little chat!

The word "Tithe" in Scripture literally means "tenth". And it was ALWAYS used in association with food and animals, and the harvest.

There are two exceptions to this however, Abraham and Jacob both gave a tenth of ALL that they had. However, there are no commandments in the O.T. that go this far.

Christians rob God when they claim that they were commanded to ONLY give 10% of their monetary INCOME.

First of all, this is completely unbiblical. First Fruits (of the Harvest, and flock), and INCOME were never equated Scripturally.

God didn't want Money in His House, He wanted FOOD in His House. Food comes from the harvest and flock.

Second of all, we were commanded to give without condition, there was no "minimum" or "cap" put giving for a Christian, but rather, "freely you have received, freely give", and, "give to anyone that asks of you."

The problem is not whether or not Christians "tithe", the problem is why the Church depends so heavily on money in the first place.

Why do Christians not know how to truly give Scripturally? Because they have not been taught. Why have they not been taught the commandments of Jesus regarding this? Maybe it is because the one who doesn't teach obedience, isn't held accountable. So, instead the doctrine of "tithe" is twisted in order to justify the Church's dependence on Money, and prosperity.

So we claim, "Tithing in the Bible is a 'spiritual' thing! Spiritually Harvest means to give money! It doesn't really have to do with literal food to feed the hungry with!"

Hardly. First Fruits refers to the purist, or best of the harvest and flock, and spiritually is associated with the harvest of people who then go out and bring more life making disciples, (Rev. 14:4). Certainly the workman is worthy of their hire.

How much would the Church have to change in order to depend on the power of God, and not the power of Man?

Where is the demonstration of the Spirit and Power of God in the Church today? Why is it all we see is the demonstration of the spirit and power of man?

The truth is, that I do not obey the way I am supposed to, yet. And that I do justify disobedience. But what I want is for a pastor to disciple us, to teach us how to obey, and more than that, teach us how to repent. But, we are all very distracted by "men's wisdom" and our preconceived notions to see the needs of others.