Thursday, June 12, 2008

Should We Follow The Commands Of Jesus?

ed.2008.06.12.01 (Concept Draft)

Do Christians today feel that it isn't necessary to know or live according to the commandments of Jesus and His Apostles?

We have heard some denominations preach "Holiness" before God. They even forbid women to wear jewelry and to cut their hair. But do any of them know the commandments of Jesus? We have even heard it claimed that it is legalistic to pursue the observance of Biblical commands. But why is it that all throughout the Bible, "Lawlessness" is condemned?

Why is obedience considered legalism?

It is true that in Galatians, Paul called those "accursed" who taught others to live according to the Law of Moses. But what about teaching the commandments of Jesus? Were the commandments of Jesus merely suggestions? If the law that Moses proclaimed was binding even though it was only a shadow of the Heavenly law to come, how much more are the commands of Jesus more binding than the laws of Moses?

Even for those Christians who presume to teach that it is righteousness to preach and obey the Law the of Moses to believers, why don't they start with the commandments of Jesus?

Often I have heard that the only commandments of Jesus are to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. But this is not true. Jesus very clearly recognized that these two commands were taught by Moses, so we cannot clearly claim that those were Jesus' commandments. But then, Jesus changed those commandments! In essence, He commanded, "No, I don't want you to just love your neighbor as yourself, I want you to love as I have loved you!" And so, it is not with our own heart, mind or strength that we are commanded to love, but to love with the heart, mind and strength of Jesus! Our love is simply too immature to actually fulfill the heavenly edict. Instead, we have to let Jesus love through us. And how do we know that we love God? According to the Apostle John, we know that we love Him if we walk according to His commands!

If the Holy Spirit was given to us, or rather, the Spirit of Holiness, then how can we claim that it is impossible to be Holy? It is clearly commanded that we are to be Holy as He is Holy. Jesus specifically taught us that yes, it is impossible with Man to obey the commands of God. But, Jesus specifically said that with God all things are possible. He was specifically stating that obedience to the will of God was possible, but that it was only possible if God was with us! Does this mean that all Christians who claim that they cannot truly obey the commandments of Jesus do not believe that all things are possible with God? Or, does it mean that it really is impossible for some to stop sinning because God is not with them? Perhaps the answer is more simple: maybe we claim to not be able to stop sinning because we truly do not want to stop sinning.

Where is the doctrine of obedience in the Church today? Why in more than 2000 years do Christians not have the law of God written on their hearts? What is the New Covenant? Isn't the New Covenant to have the law of God written on our hearts and to know Him? Didn't the apostle John teach us that it is impossible to say that we know God if we do not obey Him? And how can we obey Him unless we know His commands?

How is it possible for us to claim to have His commands written on our hearts and not know His commands? How is it possible for us to claim that we love God and not obey Him?


M-C Kohen said...

I do agree that some Christians are not take the gospel as seriously as they should or that they don’t see a need in knowing Christ in a more intimate and personal one on one relationship at touches and moves the heart. But keep in mind, that in North America people quite comfortable in our everyday lives to begin with in comparison to other countries. How much more is God precious and valuable in the eyes of someone who lives on the streets or dodging bullets or crushing stone to feed their starving family. We Christians in North America have to make a conscience effort to get out of our “comfort bubbles” work hard and press on t find the depth and value of the life Christ paid the price for. And what a big price it was. Good job with you blog, keep making us out here think outside of our bubbles. I look forward to reading more of your postings.


Victoria Graham said...

Great comments M.C! It is true...we lose perspective so quickly! We need to be proactive in seeking our Lord. We need a heart like His, and we need to seek His heart! Jesus needs to be at the beginning and the end to everything we do. We were bought at a huge price, he loves us beyond measure. Can we not all strive a little harder?

peretz said...

"How much more is God precious and valuable in the eyes of someone who lives on the streets or dodging bullets or crushing stone to feed their starving family."


I once heard someone say that belief in God or in Jesus is just a crutch for the weak. I told them that they were exactly right.

It is awesome to see that God has always championed the afflicted and the needy. That He promised to save those who "Called" upon Him.

It is so cool how far God goes out of the way to minister to the broken hearted, the prisoners,the hungry, the homeless, etc...

It is no wonder that the Sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite spirit.


General said...


I once heard someone say that belief in God or in Jesus is just a crutch for the weak. I told them that they were exactly right.

It is awesome to see that God has always championed the afflicted and the needy. That He promised to save those who "Called" upon Him."

The key to our salvation is to recognise that we ARE needy, naked, and in need of a Champion, no matter the Country we live in or the freedoms we are allowed. I do agree in light of the God blessed nation we live in, we are blinded often by our prosperity.

Matt Sheeks said...

Hey buddy,

Now I am addicted to your blog! Hopefully I will get to the taxes one of these days.

First off, I really like the comments from whoever left the comment under "general." I think that was spot on.

I would agree that Christians are to follow the commands of Jesus. But I think there are some major roadblocks that the Christian has to navigate in order for this to actually happen, of which Christians are terribly unequipped. First off, Christians retain a sin-nature, and it is possible for them to try to be perfected by it(see Gal 3:3) rather than by the Spirit. Secondly, Christians are to live a life of trust and dependance on God, whereas most Christians are instructed to trust and depend on themselves for holiness, following God's commands, etc.

That is why I say that the attitude of "just do it because God said to do it" doesn't work too well, and is what I was attempting to explain in our discussion on being free (DEAD) from the law. That is generally an appeal to self-sufficiency, which seems to me is what got Adam and Eve into trouble in the first place. This circumnavigates trust in God for His resources through the Spirit. I am pretty sure that (trust in the Spirit)is the only way any obeying is going to get done. It certainly isn't going to get done through the flesh.